The pictures on these pages I have taken from the internet or they have been sent to me, via email. On some occasions the owner of the watch has given me permission, via email, to use the pictures. On other occasions I have used the pictures without permission. Many of the military watches displayed I have permission to use.
I am just a wristwatch hobbyist trying to display some watches that are of interest to me. I hope this does not offend anyone.
Lastly, note that nothing here for sale or trade, just for connoisseur reference.
We strongly appreciate for you to send your DH/D/DU watch photos and grant your permission to add them to the catalogue. Just send pics via e-mail:
Please keep in mind everything put on the Web cannot be unput, so please mind that photos contributed can be used on this web-resource forever.
[RUS] Никакие часы из приведённого каталога не подлежат продаже или обмену. Каталог поддерживается для исследовательских и познавательных целей.
Note about the radium lume. Please note some of watches listed in catalog have non-original lume. Originally all DH/D/DU WW2 watch hands and numerals/indexes were painted with radium lume. As it is dangerous in some circumstances, some owners re-painted it with safe non-radium luminova. Keep in mind – originally it always must be radium.

D = Dienstuhr Luftwaffe - Air forces
DH = Dienstuhr Heer - Military land-forces
DU = Dienstuhr (Verwaltung) - Government services and administration
DH / DU / D WW2 military wristwatches for Wermacht
A – Acacia SA DH
Photo1, Photo2, Photo3, Photo4, Photo5.
Alpina D / Alpina 592
Photo1, Photo2, Photo3.
Chrome top, smaller size 32 mm.
Arcadia DH / AS 1130
Photo1, Photo2, Photo3, Photo4.
Ariston DU / AS 1130
Photo1, Photo2, Photo3, Photo4.
Photo5, Photo6, Photo7.
Arsa DH / Unitas 173
Chrome top. 34 mm.
Photos: Photo1, Photo2, Photo3, Photo4, Photo5, Photo6
Links: ArsA 1, ArsA 2, ArsA restoration
Aster DU / AS 1130
Photo1, Photo2, Photo3, Photo4.
Chrome top. 33 mm. Very few collectors know or have seen this one before a sighting on a dealers web site. Interestingly this wasn’t on most people’s list of DH/DU/Ds.
B – Bielco DU
Photo1, Photo2.
Please submit more photos
Bulla DH / AS 1130
Photo2, Photo3, Photo4.
Buren DH / Buren 410
Chrome top. 33 mm.
Photos: Photo1 , Photo2, Photo3, Photo4, Photo5, Photo6
Links: Link1, Link2
BWC D / AS 1130
Note yellow finish 1130 movement.
Example 1: Photo1, Photo2, Photo3, Photo4, Photo5.
Example 2: Photo1, Photo2, Photo3, Photo4
Choisi / AS 1130
Chrome top.
Photo1, Photo2, Photo3.
Civitas / cal. Moeris 10 1/2 C
Cronos DU / AS 1130
Dogma D / AS 1130
Chrome top.
Photo1, Photo2, Photo3.
Doxa DH / 12″1
Two case types:
- All SS.
- Chrome top.
At least two sizes:
- Not sure, but one close to 33mm.
- Not sure, but one close to 35mm.
At least two dial types.
- Arabics all same.
- Arabics 3, 6, 9, 12 different color.
Edo DH / AS 1130
Photo1, Photo2
I am told EDO was produced by HELMA ( note the logo on the back )
Photo3, Photo4, Photo5.
Please submit photos
ERA D, DH / AS 1130
Chrome top
Photo1, Photo2, Photo3.
Please submit more photos
Links: Link1
Etanche DH
Smaller size ~29mm, unusual snap-on caseback.
Photo1, Photo2, Photo3.
Please submit photos
Fides / AS 1130
Please submit photos
Flora / AS 1130
Fortis DU / AS 1130 mod.
Photo1, Photo2, Photo3, Photo4.
Freco / AS 1130
Frenca / 25-115
Calibre Buser 25/115.
Photo1, Photo2, Photo3.
Gala DH / AS 1130
Chrome top. Signed “GALA Bruchsicher Wasserdicht”.
Black version: Photo1, Photo2, Photo3, Photo4.
White version: Photo1, Photo2, Photo3, Photo4.
Glycine DH / AS 1130
Photo1, Photo2,
Chrome top. 36 mm.
Links: Link1, Link2
Grana DH
Please submit photos
Hado DH / AS 1130 mod
Chrome top, Modified AS 1130 calibre.
Photo1, Photo2, Photo3, Photo4.
Please submit photos
Helios DH / P300 / AS 1130
Photos: Photo1, Photo2, Photo3; Link
Helma DH / AS 1130
Photo1, Photo2.
Photo3, Photo4, Photo5 (crown non-original)
Chrome top. 33 mm. Note “helmet” stamp on caseback. At least two dial layouts known.
Links: Link1, Link2.
Helvetia DH / Cal. 1553
Links: Link1, Link2, Link3.
Note hands shape specific for Helvetia DH.
Herold DU / AS 1130
Please submit photos
Please submit photos
Leonidas D / AS 1130
Photo1, Photo2, Photo3, Photo4
Chrome top.
Longines / 12.68Z
Photo1, Photo2, Photo3, Photo4,
Photo5, Photo6, Photo7, Photo8, Photo9, Photo10, Photo11, Photo12, Photo13.
Stainless steel case is of smaller size. Lug width is 16 mm.
Well regarded, good quality movement. (Note movement with
and without Geneva stripes.) Relatively rare.
Scans (8-9) and (10-18) are what seems the more rare D# (not D#H) version.
The reference numbers on the inside casebacks seen so far are
This watch can come in two bezel types – one square and one rounded off.
Please submit photos
Please submit photos
Mimo DH / AS 1130 mod.
Photos: Photo1, Photo2, Photo3.
Links: Link1
Stainless steel. 34.5 mm. Shallow ‘D.H.’ and number stamping.
Note modified AS1130 movement.
Minerva DH / Lavina 105 / Minerva
Photo1, Photo2, Photo3.
Chrome top.
There are two movement types:
– Lavina caliber 105
– Minerva caliber 12
Moeris DH / 10 1/2″
Chrome top 33 mm
Links: Link1.
Please submit your photos
Monitor / AS 1130
Please submit photos
Mulco / AS 1130
Please submit photos
Nisus DH
Note two versions of NISUS. There is version of a smaller case (28-29 mm) with Peseux 170 movement.
Large AS 1130 version: Photo1, Photo2, Photo3, Photo4.
Small Peseux 170 version: Photo1, Photo2, Photo3, Photo4, Photo5, Photo6.
Nivia DU
Please submit your photos
Links: Link1.
Onda D / AS 1130
Please submit photos
Please submit photos
Please submit photos
Page / D202
Unusual snap-on caseback.
Photo1, Photo2, Photo3, Photo4 – replaced crown
Photo5, Photo6.
I have been told that Para was made in Germany with a Swiss movement. It is different than most of the others in that it has a snap back instead of a screw back.
Please submit photos
Paul Buhre DU / AS 1130
Photo1, Photo2, Photo3.
Links: Link1 (re-plated case)
Phenix / AS 1130
Photo1, Photo2, Photo3.
There are at least two dial types and at least two case types for this watch.
Links: Link1, Link2, Link3, Link4.
Pierpont DH
Please submit photos
Protex / AS 1130
Please submit photos
Record DH / 022K
Chrome top 34 mm.
Links: Link1, Link2,
Recta DH
Photo1, Photo2, Photo3.
Photo4, Photo5, Photo6.
Revue Sport DH
Stainless Steel, size 33 mm.
Photo1, Photo2, Photo3.
Links: Link1, Link2.
Selza D & DH / AS 1130
Chrome case. Seems like two case styles: one with “flat” bezel (see examples 1 and 2) and one with “bubble” bezel (see examples 3 and 4)
Links: Link1.
Siegerin D
Silvana DH, DU / AS 1130
DH links: Link1, Link2,
DU links: Link1.
Please submit your photos
Syntakt D
Titus / ETA 810
Please submit your photos
Tritona DH
TRITONA came in 3 versions. They differed in size and / or movement.
1) The small-size, quite rare. It is 30mm in diameter with a FHF – 150 movement.
2) The mid-size, quite common. It is 32mm in diameter with a FHF – 150 movement.
3) The big-size. It is 34mm in diameter with a AS 1130 movement.
– 30mm FHF small Tritona: Photo1, Photo2, Photo3, Photo4, Photo5.
– 33mm FHF version Tritona: Link.
– 34mm AS 1130 version: Photo1, Photo2, Photo3, Photo4.
Tsilla DU
Zenith DH
Two case types:
1. All Stainless Steel. All Arabic numerals same size. Photo1, Photo2, Photo3.
2. Chrome top. 3,6,9,12 Arabics bigger than others. Ref “1518” between lugs. Photo1, Photo2, Photo3.
Zentra D
Please submit your photos
Links: Link1.